Hot Tip! Social Media Made Easy.
Not a social media guru? No biggie! I, too, have struggled with social media. It’s not easy juggling a business AND your personal life. Who has time to be posting on social media regularly?! That’s what I used to think, but then I discovered the Scheduling option on Instagram.
That is what a week’s worth of scheduled content on Instagram looked like for me. Being a brand photographer, photos are my bread and butter. And Instagram was made for photos. What better way to show your portfolio to the world?
To schedule, take the steps as if you were actually posting. Once you have your photos/video and caption, scroll down to the bottom and click “Advanced Settings” then “Schedule this post”. Pick your date and time then select “Done”. When you’re ready to pull the trigger, hit the share button.
This is what it looks like in your “Activity and Settings” drop down menu. You can check back to verify that it worked and what content you have scheduled.
One day a week, I sit down and schedule my content. It’s not always easy to think of content or a clever caption when your brain is on overload. This is why I carve out time for scheduling. The aim is to avoid the stress and post thoughtful content that aligns with your business goals. Instead of that last ditch effort where you grab a random photo from your camera roll and slap an emoji in the caption. This has become an invaluable tool and game changer for me. Hope it helps you too!